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Data Quality & Reliability

Data Drift: Everything You Need to Know

July 23, 2024
10 Min Read

What Is Data Drift?

Data drift refers to the change in the semantics, statistical properties, distribution, and characteristics of data over time, which can significantly affect the performance of data-driven systems and models. Several factors contribute to data drift, including seasonal variations, changes in user behavior or data collection methods, and external changes like shifts in market trends. 

Understanding Data Drift

Definition of Data Drift

Data drift is unexpected changes of data infrastructure, statistical properties, and structure over time that can occur due to various factors. It can manifest as changes in feature distributions, overall data patterns, or the relationships between features and outcomes, and it can cause systems or models to become less reliable or accurate. Data drift also includes anomalies and changes in data schema, such as missing values, incorrect inputs, or inconsistent formatting. 

While commonly associated with machine learning models, data drift can impact any data-driven application or decision-making process, from automated decision systems to business intelligence dashboards. 

Causes of Data Drift

Data drift can occur for several reasons, including changes or degradation in the equipment and techniques used to collect data and changes due to personal preferences. 

Data drift can occur for several reasons, including changes or degradation in the equipment and techniques used to collect data and changes due to personal preferences. 

Changes in User Behavior

Over time, people's preferences and behaviors change due to factors like changing societal norms, cultural shifts, or technological advancements. And as new trends emerge and customer preferences start to shift, the data generated as a result of user interactions also changes. For example, in the case of an e-commerce website, this can change the distribution of consumer purchase patterns. 

Changes in Data Collection & Preprocessing

Changes in the tools and methods used to collect data can also cause variations in the dataset, resulting in a shift in the data distribution. 

Similarly, changes in techniques or steps used for preprocessing data such as data imputation, encoding, normalization, feature engineering, and feature scaling can affect data distribution and result in data drift. 

Addition of Data Sources

Data is typically collected from a variety of sources, each with its own biases and characteristics. As they evolve and as new sources are added (like new sensors), the characteristics and distributions of data can change, resulting in data drift. 

Issues with Data Quality

Poor data quality, including outliers, missing values, and errors can affect the statistical properties of the data, contributing to data drift. 

External Events & Natural Factors

Events like global crises, disease outbreaks, economic fluctuations and policy changes, and natural factors like seasonal variations can affect data patterns and distribution, and can introduce data drift. For example, user behavior might change during a disease outbreak, which can affect the data pattern in the collected data and lead to data drift. 

Examples of Data Drift in Real-World Applications

In addition to the drift in user interaction data caused by changes in user preferences, other examples of data drift in real-world applications include: 

  • Inventory Management: Changes in customer preferences, new product launches, and supply chain disruptions can alter the demand for certain products.
  • Weather Forecasting: Climate change and other environmental factors can cause shifts in weather patterns.
  • Web Traffic Analysis: Changes in user behavior like new social media trends, introduction of new technologies like voice search, and changes in popular search terms can change user interaction data.
  • Medical Diagnostics: Treatment protocols and patient demographics evolve with time, causing data drift.
  • Quality Control: Variations in the production process, quality control measures, and materials can lead to a drift in quality control data.

Impact of Data Drift

Consequences of Ignoring Data Drift

If not identified in time, data drift can have consequences on business operations. Relying on inaccurate data can lead to poor decision-making, inaccurate predictions, and loss of competitive advantage. Inaccurate decisions and predictions can also result in operational inefficiencies and financial losses. 

It also greatly affects prediction accuracy in models. A model trained on outdated data might not be able to capture emerging topics or current trends, leading to incorrect responses. 

Incorrect data interpretations can also have severe consequences in applications like legal domains, finance, and healthcare. A sudden market shift or change in regulations might cause previously accurate decisions to become illegal or unsafe. 

Challenges Posed by Data Drift

Data drift poses a number of challenges: 

  • Managing the processing and storage requirements of large volumes and retraining models to adapt to new data can be resource-intensive.
  • Identifying the data drift in time can be difficult, especially without robust monitoring systems.
  • Understanding the underlying causes of data drift requires deep domain knowledge and thorough analysis.
  • Managing data drift across multiple systems and models can be complex and resource-intensive.

Types of Data Drift

Data drift can be broadly categorized into three types, detailed below. 

Covariate Shift

Covariate shift or data drift refers to the changes in the statistical properties of input features. For instance, in the case of a fraud detection model, you might notice data drift if the frequency of fraudulent transactions changes with time. 

Prior Probability Shift

Prior probability shift is when there's a change in the distribution of target labels (the outcome) over time, but the distribution of the inputs doesn't change. When it comes to a fraud detection model, this could be the change in the proportion of fraudulent interactions due to changes in fraudsters' tactics because of new security measures. 

Concept Shift

Concept drift is when the relationship between the input and output changes. In our fraud detection system example, concept drift can occur if characteristics or features of fraudulent transactions change with time, making it difficult to distinguish them from legitimate transactions. 

How to Detect and Monitor Data Drift

Statistical tests like sequential analysis methods and time distribution methods can help detect data drift. 

Sequential analysis methods of drift detection use error rate to identify it, while time distribution methods calculate drift using the difference between two probability distributions. Examples of time distribution methods include PSI (Population Stability Index), KL Divergence, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, and JS Divergence. 

With data visualization tools, you can monitor and analyze the distribution of incoming data. By comparing it with the distribution of the old data, you can easily detect shifts in data patterns. 

You can also use different data quality metrics to analyze new data samples and compare them with the original data. Any deviations in data quality like discrepancies or labeling mistakes can indicate data drift. Some important data quality metrics include summary statistics like mean, median, and variance of important features and the shape of the data distribution. 

How Is Data Drift Calculated?

Data drift can be calculated using various metrics such as: 

  • Population Stability Index (PSI): Measures the change in distribution between two datasets.
  • Kullback-Leibler Divergence: Calculates the difference between two probability distributions.
  • Earth Mover's Distance (EMD): Measures the distance between two distributions.
  • Jensen-Shannon Divergence: Provides a symmetric measure of similarity between two possibility distributions.

Managing Data Drift

Strategies for Mitigating Data Drift

An effective way to prevent data drift is to retrain your model with the new data, allowing it to adapt to the changes in the data distribution. Making sure that the model focuses on stable and highly relevant features can also help prevent drift, since it can reduce the impact that changes in data distribution have on the model's performance. 

An effective way to prevent data drift is to retrain your model with the new data, allowing it to adapt to the changes in the data distribution.

Data augmentation is another useful technique for mitigating drift. By modifying existing data and generating synthetic data, augmentation can help balance data distribution and reduce the impact of outliers. 

Drift analysis, which compares your model's predictions against a baseline, can also help you identify possible sources of data drift. 

Implementing Data Governance to Address Data Drift

Managing the security, integrity, usability, and availability of data can also help address data shift. This involves implementing the following strategies: 

  • Regularly audit data for consistency, completeness, and accuracy.
  • Keep track of different data versions to understand historical changes.
  • Maintain detailed documentation of data sources, collection methods, and preprocessing steps.
  • Involve all stakeholders in the data life cycle to ensure comprehensive governance practices.
  • Ensure data governance practices comply with relevant regulations and standards.

Continuous Improvement in Data Quality

An important aspect of managing data drift is to continuously improve data quality by: 

  • Incorporating feedback from end-users to identify and correct data quality issues.
  • Using automated tools to detect and correct anomalies in data.
  • Encouraging collaboration between data engineers, data scientists, and domain experts to ensure high data quality.
  • Regularly training teams on best practices for data quality and governance.
  • Anticipating potential data quality issues and addressing them before they impact the system.

This post was written by Nimra Ahmed. Nimra is a software engineering graduate with a strong interest in Node.js & machine learning. When she's not working, you'll find her playing around with no-code tools, swimming, or exploring something new.

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