Data Engineering

The Modern CTO Podcast w/ Ashwin Rajeev

March 30, 2022

Acceldata’s CTO and Co-founder, Ashwin Rajeev, was a recent guest on Joel Beasley’s Modern CTO podcast. In a wide-ranging conversation, Ashwin described Acceldata’s journey from just a handful of people in 2018 when the company started, to now being a global data leader with more than 100 employees. That amount of growth required Ashwin and the early team to consider how to attract the best talent to join them for a challenging mission.  

Part of the challenge, as Ashwin explains, has been balancing the hypergrowth aspects of Acceldata’s operations, sales, and engineering teams, and the specific needs of each of these disciplines. Among the most important of those needs was, and will always be, hiring. Especially in an enviroment where there are so many choices for talented workers, Ashwin and the Acceldata team focused on something that other companies are unable to do — provide a place where employees can find meaning by having an impact.

All Acceldata employees have the ability to contribute immediately, and Ashwin explains the internal culture at the company and how we encourage our engineers to put themselves in the shoes of the customer and be relentless in solving problems.

Check out the podcast here to learn more about the challenges Ashwin and the Acceldata team are confronting as we continue on our rocket-like growth trajectory.

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Acceldata Product Team

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