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Data Observability

Slashing Snowflake Credit Costs Through Efficient Data Management

September 27, 2024
10 Min Read

Management of costs has become a top priority for businesses, especially those using Snowflake, due to the increase in adoption of cloud-based data platforms. Snowflake's credit-based system charges users based on compute and storage usage. Lack of efficient management can quickly spiral these costs out of control.

Snowflake offers flexibility and scalability; however, it’s easy to lose track of credit consumption, which can lead to significant costs. Thus, adoption of efficient data storage strategies has become essential for Snowflake cost optimization.

This article explores how you can manage Snowflake credit costs effectively by implementing smarter data storage techniques.

Why Do Snowflake Credit Costs Matter?

Understanding how Snowflake credit costs accumulate is key to managing them effectively. Snowflake uses a credit-based system that charges users based on two primary factors: compute and storage. Credits are consumed every time you run a query, load data, or perform transformations. Failure to manage benefits offered by Snowflake such as automatic scaling and on-demand resources efficiently can result in incurrence of unexpected costs.

Common reasons for high Snowflake credit consumption include inefficient queries, improper data management, and failure to archive or purge old data. For organizations dealing with vast amounts of data, every inefficient query or storage issue results in higher Snowflake credit costs. Understanding these triggers allows you to take proactive steps for effective Snowflake cost management.

Key Strategies for Managing Snowflake Credit Costs

Consider implementing the following data storage strategies to effectively reduce Snowflake credit costs and optimize overall data usage:

1. Optimizing data storage with compression

Taking advantage of compression is one of the easiest ways to decrease data management cost in Snowflake. Snowflake automatically compresses data to reduce storage size. This feature directly impacts Snowflake cost optimization efforts. Compressed data not only consumes less storage but also results in faster query performance, which in turn, saves credits. This strategy is especially valuable for businesses managing large, infrequently changing datasets.

A company managing historical sales data can store these large datasets in compressed formats, ensuring they remain accessible but at a reduced cost.

2. Partitioning and clustering data

Snowflake query optimization plays a vital role in management of credit costs. You can improve the efficiency of queries by partitioning and clustering data, thus reducing the need for Snowflake to scan entire datasets. This ensures that relevant portions of the data are processed, saving both time and credits. Clustering allows quick retrieval of the frequently accessed data, making it ideal for high-traffic databases.

An e-commerce business handling millions of daily transactions can cluster data by customer region or product category, thus optimizing query performance and lowering Snowflake credit consumption during peak periods.

3. Archiving and purging old data

Not all data needs to be stored in high-cost, easily accessible storage. Identifying and archiving old or infrequently used data can significantly decrease Snowflake credit costs. Snowflake allows you to move less critical data to cheaper storage options, freeing up valuable resources. Purging obsolete or irrelevant data also ensures you’re not paying for unnecessary storage.

A financial institution can archive data older than five years into a lower-cost storage tier, while keeping only current data in active storage, thus reducing its data management costs.

4. Efficient data loading and transformation

Unoptimized data loading and transformation processes can become a significant source of Snowflake credit consumption. You should consider batch processing instead of loading data real-time, which may incur high costs.

Batch loads tend to be more efficient in terms of resource usage, reducing the frequency of compute credit charges. Additionally, avoiding unnecessary transformations during the loading process ensures better resource utilization.

A logistics company can implement batch loading for its daily shipping data, reducing the frequency of Snowflake credit usage during non-critical hours and thereby lowering overall costs.

Snowflake's Storage Optimization Tools

You should leverage the platform's built-in features to further enhance your Snowflake cost optimization efforts. Snowflake offers advanced tools designed for cost management such as auto-suspend/auto-resume and query performance monitoring.

  • Auto-suspend/Auto-resume: This feature ensures that Snowflake charges only for compute resources when they are in use. Inactive virtual warehouses are automatically shut down by setting up auto-suspend. This helps save upon credits.
  • Query Performance Monitoring: Snowflake provides performance monitoring tools that help you optimize queries, thus reducing the amount of data scanned and processed. This directly impacts Snowflake query optimization by providing insights into inefficient queries.

These tools can help organizations stay on top of their Snowflake cost management strategies and ensure that resources are being used only when necessary.

Monitoring and Forecasting Snowflake Costs

Continuous data monitoring is crucial for efficient Snowflake cost management. Snowflake provides dashboards and reports that allow users to track credit consumption in real time. This enables businesses to forecast costs and identify potential inefficiencies before they escalate. Businesses can take corrective actions such as optimization of queries, removal of redundant data, or making adjustments in storage settings by analyzing these reports.

Using Snowflake’s cost dashboards, an IT team can identify unusually high Snowflake credit consumption within a specific time frame and take steps to investigate the root cause.

Forecasting tools further allow businesses to predict storage needs and adjust budgets accordingly. This proactive approach to Snowflake cost optimization helps businesses stay within budget while maintaining high-performance data systems.

How Acceldata's Data Observability Platform Reduces Snowflake Cost

Acceldata’s platform enhances your Snowflake cost optimization efforts by providing real-time insights into data performance and cost management. Acceldata integrates seamlessly with Snowflake, offering tools such as data observability and performance monitoring, which help organizations maintain data quality while controlling costs.

Its features such as automated quality checks and continuous monitoring ensure that you are making the most of your Snowflake resources. Businesses can gain a comprehensive view of their Snowflake usage by leveraging Acceldata's data observability tool, ensuring that credits are spent efficiently and only upon valuable processes.

Maximizing Snowflake Efficiency Through Proactive Cost Management

Management of Snowflake credit cost requires a strategic approach, focusing on both data storage optimization and real-time cost management. Implementing techniques such as compression, partitioning, and archiving allows you to significantly reduce data management costs while maintaining data accessibility and performance. Additionally, leveraging Snowflake’s optimization tools and continuous monitoring features will help you keep credit usage under control.

Businesses can achieve effective Snowflake cost optimization by integrating these strategies and utilizing Acceldata’s powerful platform. This will enable businesses to maximize value from their data while minimizing unnecessary expenses.

Request a demo to discover how the Acceldata Data Observability platform can help you manage, maintain, and monitor the quality and reliability of data and optimize your Snowflake Cost.


Adoption of efficient data storage strategies plays an important role in management of Snowflake credit costs. Techniques such as compression, partitioning, archiving, and optimized data loading can significantly lower data management costs. Snowflake’s built-in tools enhance Snowflake cost management strategies, while Acceldata’s platform offers proactive monitoring and optimization to help businesses maximize their Snowflake resources.

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