Stack Data Structure Explained: How LIFO Drives Modern Computing

February 23, 2025
8 minutes

As of June 2022, more than 500 hours of video were uploaded on YouTube every minute, and the global digital universe is expected to expand significantly by 2025, driven by algorithms that influence decisions in every industry.

Consider undoing a single step in your document editor or retrieving the most recent transaction on a banking app. These actions might seem trivial but rely on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle—a hallmark of stacks. From simplifying software design to optimizing real-world systems, stacks are indispensable.

This article explores stacks, their operations, and real-world implementations, highlighting how this fundamental structure powers modern computing efficiency.

What Is Stack Data Structure?

Stack is a simple data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. It is akin to a stack of browser tabs: new ones open on top, and when closing, it is always the most recent one.

Stacks operate through a single point using a push/pop mechanism. The "top" is where all adding (push) and removing (pop) happens. Thus, stacks are efficient and easy to manage.

You see stacks in action in everyday computing tasks:

  • Undo in apps: Editing text or images? Each change is added to a stack. Undo removes the last change first.
  • Browser history: Every page you visit is pushed onto a stack. Clicking back pops the most recent page.
  • Function calls in programming: Recursive functions push each call onto a stack, returning step-by-step when done.
  • Syntax validation: Checking if brackets or parentheses match in code relies on a stack to track openings and closings.
  • Backtracking in games: Games use stacks to track previous moves when exploring mazes or puzzles.

These examples indicate how stacks simplify tasks behind the scenes. Next, we will explore how they work and the operations that power them.

Core Operations of Stack

Push, pop, and peek are at the heart of a stack data structure. These simple yet powerful actions form the foundation for several real-world software functionalities, from undo buttons to expression evaluation.

Efficient stack operations are critical for maintaining the health of data pipelines, ensuring seamless flow and transformation of data.

Let us break them down with examples.


1. Push operation

The push operation adds an element to the top of the stack.

Example: Think of typing text into a word processor. Each letter you type is “pushed” onto an undo stack. If you need to undo, the last letter added will be the first one removed. 


  1. Check if the stack is full (for array-based implementations).
  2. If not, increment the top index.
  3. Add the new element to the top.

Python code snippet


def push(stack, item, max_size):
    if len(stack) == max_size:
        raise OverflowError("Stack Overflow")

2. Pop operation

The pop operation removes and returns the top element from the stack.

Example: When navigating through browser tabs, the most recently opened tab is “popped” off when you close it. The stack ensures you are always working with the most recent item first.


  1. Check if the stack is empty.
  2. If not, retrieve the top element.
  3. Decrement the top index.

Python code snippet


def pop(stack):
    if not stack:
        raise IndexError("Stack Underflow")
    return stack.pop()

3. Peek operation

The peek operation retrieves the topmost element without removing it.

Example: In the calculator app, the stack holds operators during expression evaluation. The app peeks at the top of the stack to decide the next step based on operator precedence, ensuring the calculations are correct.

Python code snippet


def peek(stack):
    if not stack:
        raise IndexError("Stack is empty")
    return stack[-1]

4. Utility functions

  1. isEmpty: Checks if the stack is empty.
    Scenario: Before popping or peeking, a program ensures there is something to work with.

Python example


def isEmpty(stack):
    return len(stack) == 0

  1. isFull: Checks if the stack has reached its maximum size for array-based stacks.
    Scenario: Imagine saving drafts of an email in a fixed storage space. You need to check if there is room for more before saving a new version.

Python example


def isFull(stack, max_size):
    return len(stack) == max_size

These operations and functions together make stacks flexible and efficient for solving numerous computational problems. Next, let us explore how stacks are implemented using arrays and linked lists.

Implementing Stacks: Array vs. Linked List

Arrays and linked lists are the two common approaches while implementing a stack. Each has its strengths and limitations, making them suitable for different scenarios.

Selecting the right implementation for stacks can directly impact the performance of large-scale systems, where data reliability and scalability are paramount.

1. Array-based implementation

Array implementation uses contiguous memory locations, where each element is stored side-by-side.

Imagine you are organizing books on a small shelf with a fixed number of slots. Each slot represents an index in an array. You can quickly add or remove books from the end, but if the shelf is full, there is no room for more unless you replace the entire shelf.


  • Fast indexing: Direct access to elements using their index.
  • Predictable layout: Memory allocation is straightforward and consistent.


  • Fixed size: You risk overflow if the stack exceeds the pre-defined size.
  • Inflexibility: Resizing the stack requires creating a new array, which can be computationally expensive.

Real-world application
Array-based stacks are ideal in environments where memory usage is predictable, such as embedded systems or real-time applications like sensors in IoT devices.

Code example

class ArrayStack:

    def __init__(self, capacity):

        self.stack = []

        self.capacity = capacity

    def push(self, item):

        if len(self.stack) == self.capacity:

            raise OverflowError("Stack Overflow")


    def pop(self):

        if not self.stack:

            raise IndexError("Stack Underflow")

        return self.stack.pop()

2. Linked list-based implementation

In a linked list implementation, we represent the stack as a series of nodes. Each node contains the data and a pointer to the next node.

Imagine you are stacking plates at a buffet, but there is no fixed shelf. Instead, each plate rests on another. You can dynamically add or remove plates without worrying about a fixed limit.


  • Dynamic resizing: There is no predetermined size; the stack grows and shrinks as needed.
  • Efficient memory usage: Memory is allocated only when needed, avoiding wastage of space.


  • Pointer overhead: Each node requires extra memory for the pointer, making it less space-efficient.
  • Slightly slower operations: Manipulating pointers adds a small performance cost compared to arrays.

Real-world application
Linked list stacks are well-suited for managing recursive function calls where the depth of recursion is unpredictable, such as complex mathematical computations or solving mazes.

Code example

class Node:

    def __init__(self, data): = data = None

class LinkedListStack:

    def __init__(self): = None

    def push(self, item):

        new_node = Node(item) = = new_node

    def pop(self):

        if not

            raise IndexError("Stack Underflow")

        popped = =

        return popped

Applications of Stack Data Structure

Stacks might seem simple, but they are vital to many software systems, simplifying tasks such as parsing expressions, managing function calls, and validating syntax.

Advanced observability platforms can monitor stack-based systems within data engineering workflows, ensuring every process runs efficiently and without disruption.

Here’s how companies rely on stacks:

  1. Expression parsing
    Stacks convert infix expressions (e.g., A + B * C) to postfix (ABC+) for efficient evaluation.

    Example: Microsoft Word utilizes a stack-based mechanism to manage the sequence of user actions, enabling efficient reversal of operations. Each action is pushed onto a stack. Invoking 'undo' pops the most recent action, reverting the document to its previous state. This stack-based approach ensures that users can seamlessly backtrack through their recent edits, enhancing the document editing experience.
  2. Function call management
    Call stacks track active functions and return addresses, which are crucial for recursion.

    Example: Airbnb’s pricing algorithms use recursive calls to analyze historical data and preferences. Call stacks manage these calculations for accuracy across millions of properties.
  3. Syntax validation
    Stacks ensure code integrity by matching parentheses, brackets, and braces.

    Example: GitHub’s editor uses stacks to validate syntax in real time, catching errors as developers code.

These examples indicate how stacks power tools we use daily, from spreadsheets to complex platforms.

Challenges and Limitations

Stacks are versatile; however, their implementation entails unique challenges. Understanding these limitations and their solutions can help optimize stack performance in different scenarios.

Let us consider some common challenges:

Challenge Solution Implementation tip
Space limitations in array-based stacks Use dynamic arrays that resize as needed. Use libraries such as Python's list or dynamic array classes in other languages.
Pointer overhead in linked list stacks Opt for arrays when memory efficiency is critical. Use arrays in environments with limited memory, such as embedded systems.
Stack overflow in recursive calls Convert recursion to iteration where feasible. Use an explicit stack in iterative implementations to prevent deep recursion.
Performance bottlenecks in large-scale systems Utilize data observability tools to identify and address stack-related inefficiencies. Use platforms such as Acceldata to monitor real-time performance within data pipelines.

By addressing these challenges strategically, you can ensure stacks function efficiently, even in resource-constrained environments.

Optimizing Stack Performance with Acceldata

Stacks are foundational to countless computing processes, from managing function calls to validating syntax and enabling efficient expression parsing. Despite their simplicity, stacks are pivotal to building robust and scalable systems.

Efficient monitoring and optimization are crucial to harness the full potential of stacks in complex environments. Acceldata's data observability platform offers deep insights into stack-based operations, ensuring your data pipelines and system processes are both efficient and reliable.

With advanced support for real-time data processing, Acceldata ensures your stack-based systems can handle the demands of modern computing with ease. With Acceldata, you gain the ability to identify bottlenecks, enhance scalability, and maintain data integrity effortlessly.

Ready to transform your stack-based systems? Book a demo with Acceldata today and discover how its platform can elevate your data infrastructure.

About Author

Shivaram P R

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