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Utilizing Data Observability to Enhance Data Mesh Architecture: Best Practices and Benefits

October 10, 2024
10 Min Read

The world has become more data-driven, with global data generation expected to exceed 180 zettabytes by 2025. Companies that fail to exploit their data successfully, on the other hand, lag behind. Poor data quality causes 40% of business project failures, which highlights the importance of stronger business strategies. 

Data observability and mesh architecture are at the center of addressing this issue, allowing enterprises to manage distributed information ecosystems with agility, precision, and scalability. As data quantities increase significantly, these frameworks give a structured approach to ensuring that enterprises can retain data integrity and reliability at scale.

To take advantage of massive amounts of data to make intelligent business decisions, organizations must use both data observability and data mesh to create a streamlined ecosystem of data-driven decision-making. In this article, we will examine the link between these two frameworks and offer best practices for maximizing their potential together. 

Understanding Data Observability and Data Mesh   

Data observability refers to the ability to gain complete visibility into the health, quality, and performance of data pipelines, infrastructure, and processes. It plays an important role in real-time monitoring, ensuring that data remains accurate and reliable throughout its lifecycle. Let’s look at the key components of data observability:

  • Data freshness: Ensures data is up-to-date, preventing old or outdated information from impacting decision-making
  • Data lineage: Tracks the flow of data through systems, providing insights into its origin, transformations, and destinations
  • Data quality metrics: Monitors data accuracy, completeness, and consistency, forming the basis for data quality assurance
  • Anomaly detection: Identifies outliers or irregularities, signaling potential data quality issues
  • Operational metrics: Real-time monitoring of data infrastructure performance enables firms to proactively manage data pipelines as they grow. Observability tools detect possible problems before they affect operations, allowing systems to scale easily as data loads grow.

Data mesh architecture is a decentralized approach to data management that moves away from traditional centralized models. In a data mesh, individual domain teams take responsibility for their data, treating it as a product. 

This model promotes decentralized data governance, ensuring each domain has the independence to manage, maintain, and improve its data. Core components of data mesh architecture include:

  • Data as a product: Teams treat their data as a product, focusing on its quality, usability, and accessibility.
  • Domain-oriented data ownership: Data is owned and managed by the teams closest to it, ensuring accountability and high-quality standards.
  • Self-serve data infrastructure: Data mesh offers scalable platforms and tools that enable teams to manage their own data independently, eliminating the issues often associated with centralized data systems. As data volumes grow, this decentralized infrastructure may expand with the organization, avoiding the limitations of traditional data architectures.
  • Interoperability: Ensures that data from different domains can be easily shared and used across the organization

Data observability and data mesh architecture work together to guarantee data quality in decentralized ecosystems. While data mesh decentralizes ownership, real-time monitoring through data observability enables organizations to maintain control over data quality across domains. This generates feedback loops that enable constant enhancement, overcoming the hurdles of decentralization, such as governance and consistency.

Why combine data observability and data mesh architecture?

  • Improved data quality: Observability ensures reliable, trustworthy data across all domains.
  • Enhanced agility and innovation: Decentralized ownership encourages innovation, with observability maintaining data health.
  • Better decision-making: Real-time, high-quality data supports faster, more accurate decisions.
  • Stronger compliance: Observability helps to apply decentralized governance and regulatory compliance.
  • Scalable operations: Data observability and data mesh enable organizations to scale data operations without sacrificing data quality or performance.

Best Practices to Harness Data Observability Within Data Mesh Architectures  

1. Promote a data-centric culture

Encouraging teams to take responsibility for their data products is important for creating a culture that views data as a strategic asset. In a data mesh architecture, this decentralization is in line with data observability, allowing teams to maintain high data quality standards. Domain teams are better positioned to manage their own data products with visibility into data health and performance, resulting in better decisions and more dependable outputs.

Use case: Amazon (E-commerce)
Amazon centers its operations on data, using more than 1 exabyte of purchase history data to improve product suggestions, targeted advertising, and supply chain logistics. It manages customer interactions and ensures proper product availability by cultivating a culture in which each team owns and optimizes its data. This data-centric approach powers its recommendation engine, improves operational efficiency, and allows it to expand into new markets such as streaming and grocery delivery.

2. Implement comprehensive monitoring tools

Comprehensive monitoring tools are essential in decentralized ecosystems. Organizations use data observability technologies to provide insights into data quality, lineage, and freshness, ensuring that each team in the data mesh has real-time data visibility. This improves data consistency and trust across domains.

Use case: Netflix (Media & entertainment)
Netflix utilizes data observability to operate its extensive content recommendation system. With millions of daily data points on user behavior, Netflix employs real-time monitoring to ensure accuracy and performance, allowing the platform to quickly extend its infrastructure as its user base grows. This ensures that the platform can handle increased data volumes while maintaining user experience. It also helps to prevent data quality issues while still providing tailored content. It also allows the platform to give personalized content while preventing data quality issues from hurting the user experience. Netflix uses observability techniques to assure data integrity across its global distributed infrastructure, which is crucial for increasing content delivery to millions of users.

3. Standardize data governance practices

Standardized data governance in decentralized data systems ensures data is consistent across domains. Setting common standards for data formats, quality measurements, and metadata management promotes seamless communication within domain teams.

Use case: JPMorgan Chase (Financial services)
JPMorgan Chase implemented a uniform data governance framework to manage its decentralized data environment, which spans numerous locations and business units. With consistent governance, the financial giant assures compliance with rigorous regulatory standards while maintaining excellent data quality across all operational areas. This method has greatly reduced operational risks while increasing trust in the data used for global financial reporting and decision-making.

4. Empower domain teams with training

To succeed in a data mesh, domain teams must be equipped with the skills to manage their data products effectively. Providing continuous training on data observability and real-time monitoring tools helps teams maintain data quality and performance independently.

Use case: LinkedIn (Technology)
LinkedIn has developed extensive training programs to ensure that its domain teams can manage their data pipelines and use observability tools properly. It has enabled LinkedIn to grow its data mesh architecture across different teams, resulting in higher-quality user data for job suggestions, networking, and content delivery.

5. Ensure the discoverability of data products

In a decentralized data architecture, data catalogs are essential for making data products easily discoverable and usable across teams. This ensures that all domain teams can use the available data without redundancy or inefficiencies.

Use case: Uber (Ride-sharing)
Uber implemented a centralized data catalog to ensure data discoverability across its decentralized teams. With real-time data coming in from millions of trips, this catalog allows teams ranging from marketing to logistics to rapidly identify and use the data they require. This technology improves collaboration across domains and enables Uber to optimize ride allocation, dynamic pricing, and driver routing in real time.

6. Continuously review and iterate

Continuous improvement is key to maintaining data quality in a data mesh. Establishing feedback loops using data observability metrics allows teams to identify and fix data quality issues proactively, ensuring ongoing optimization of data products.

Use case: Airbnb (Hospitality)
Airbnb refines its price algorithms and improves the accuracy of its listing recommendations by continuously analyzing data and using feedback loops. Airbnb can optimize its products and improve user experiences by regularly evaluating real-time data on user preferences, bookings, and market conditions. This iterative process, made possible by data observability, guarantees that data products remain dependable and responsive to changing market demands.

Bottom line: Future-proof Your Data Strategy with Data Observability and Data Mesh  

Organizations that combine data observability with data mesh architecture can significantly boost data quality, streamline governance, and improve operational efficiency. Data observability guarantees real-time monitoring and accountability, whereas data mesh decentralizes ownership, encouraging collaboration and agility across departments. Together, these frameworks form an efficient system that enables organizations to use high-quality data for better decision-making and compliance.

To remain competitive in a quickly changing data market, it is critical to implement these best practices. Companies that integrate observability and data mesh can future-proof their data strategy and open up new business prospects. Learn how Acceldata's observability solutions can assist you in improving data management and governance. Schedule a demo today to explore its significant influence on your organization.


Data observability and mesh architecture are important for managing decentralized data ecosystems while maintaining data quality, real-time monitoring, and scalability. Together, they improve agility, innovation, and compliance by providing visibility into data health while decentralizing ownership. We discussed the most effective ways to deploy these frameworks. Adopting such strategies allows organizations to future-proof their data management practices and optimize decision-making.

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