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Data Quality & Reliability

What Is Data Quality? Key Concepts and Best Practices Explained

October 16, 2024
10 Min Read

Every company's operations center on data, which shapes decisions, plans, and consumer experiences. The quality of data has actual power. While poor data quality can cause expensive mistakes and lost opportunities, high-quality data drives accurate analysis, effective decision-making, and strategic development.

According to Gartner, companies that actively control their data quality may realize up to a 70% decrease in running expenses, directly increasing profitability. Nevertheless, many companies still find it difficult to keep reliable, consistent, timely data. This emphasizes the need to know what data quality implies and how to guarantee it satisfies the highest criteria.

This blog post will explore the key concepts of data quality and the best practices to turn unprocessed data into a helpful tool. 

What Is Data Quality?

Measuring by parameters like data accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, and validity, data quality is the general value of data for its intended use. Reliable for corporate operations, analysis, and decision-making, high-quality data is error-free, current, and properly structured. On the other hand, bad data quality could cause expensive errors, inefficiencies, and compliance issues that finally affect the bottom line.

Key Concepts of Data Quality

Effective management and data quality assessment inside a company depends on a knowledge of its fundamental ideas. The key concepts defining data quality are shown below:

Data accuracy

Data should accurately depict the corresponding real-world entity or event. For example, client contact information must be correct in retail to ensure effective communication. Inaccuracies can cause inefficiencies and errors in analytics, decision-making, and operational operations.


Complete data ensures that all relevant information is available. Missing information, such as missing client profiles, might impair a company's ability to provide specialized services and accurate reporting. For example, a banking organization that lacks transaction details may encounter regulatory compliance concerns.


Data must be readily available and up to date as required. In areas such as banking and healthcare, real-time or near-real-time data is crucial for making timely choices and successfully responding to patient requirements. Delays in data processing or obsolete data can result in lost opportunities or operational concerns.


Valid data complies with the established business rules, formats, and standards. For instance, a valid email address entered into a CRM system must be properly structured. Data that falls short of these criteria might cause system disruptions and result in expensive mistakes, including correspondence with the wrong people.

Best Practices for Ensuring Data Quality

Strategic planning, strong procedures, and cutting-edge tools will help you with data management. These are the most significant guidelines to guarantee high data quality inside your company:

Implement data quality metrics

  • Define Metrics: List critical data quality criteria for your business, including correctness, completeness, consistency, and timeliness.
  • Set Benchmarks: Create reasonable benchmarks for every statistic, including reaching a 98% data accuracy rate on customer data.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Use data observability technologies to track these indicators instantly. Constant tracking lets companies find and fix quality problems right away.

Utilize data lineage tracking

Track data flow: Using automated technologies to record the path of data from its source to its ultimate application. Knowing how data changes lets one spot mistakes and discrepancies at their core.

Ensure compliance: Maintaining regulatory requirements depends on accurate data lineage. For instance, banks must follow BCBS 239 rules of the European Central Bank, which calls for data lineage systems to guarantee risk-data aggregation.

Benefits: Tracking data lineage improves data integrity and helps to enable efficient data governance, lowering the possibility of mistakes and compliance problems.

Adopt automated data cleaning and standardization

Use advanced techniques: It includes machine learning to automatically find and fix data discrepancies, outliers, and mistakes. This phase guarantees that data from several sources keeps a consistent structure.

Streamline operations: Automated data cleansing lets companies speed up data processing and cut manual intervention.

Impact: Automated data cleansing raises data correctness and strengthens decision-making, improving operational effectiveness.

Use anomaly detection in machine learning

Automated detection: Machine learning techniques can rapidly scan enormous volumes of data in real time to find odd trends or anomalies suggestive of data quality problems, like fraudulent transactions or equipment failures.

Early action: Identifying abnormalities helps businesses solve problems before they become more serious, lowering running risks and losses.

Foster a data-driven culture

Educate employees: Share knowledge about data quality procedures with your staff. The company takes shared accountability when everyone recognizes the need to preserve data quality.

Create a governance policy: Write a data governance policy that promotes data stewardship. Assign responsibilities specifically in charge of data quality control to guarantee consistent methods.

Long-term benefits: A data-driven culture guarantees regulatory compliance, enhances customer experiences, and helps to improve decision-making, therefore supporting the success and expansion of the business.

Case Studies: The Impact of Data Quality on Businesses

Real-world case studies reveal the advantages of keeping good data quality and show how creative ideas could solve typical problems. The case studies below show how poor data quality affects companies:

Case Study 1: PhonePe - Enhancing data observability

PhonePe, a leading payment firm, needed help extending its data platform to meet the needs of over 350 million active consumers. They required a reliable data observability solution to monitor their large data pipelines and assure good data quality.

PhonePe increased the scalability of its open-source data platform by 2000% by utilizing Acceldata's data observability technology. The technology gave real-time insights into data health and performance, allowing PhonePe to detect and address data anomalies swiftly. This proactive approach cut data warehousing expenditures by 65% while ensuring 99.97% availability throughout their Hadoop architecture.

Case Study 2: Enhancing data quality in telecom networks with Acceldata's anomaly detection

Managing massive volumes of data produced by its network activities presented difficulties for a top telecom operator. Often unnoticed were data abnormalities, including invoicing mistakes, network usage variations, and connectivity problems, which resulted in operational inefficiency and lousy customer experience. The company sought Acceldata's data observability platform to apply machine learning-based anomaly detection to meet these obstacles.

Using Acceldata's technology, the telecom operator may constantly monitor data in real-time, automatically identifying anomalies and possible data quality problems. Using machine learning techniques, the platform found trends and deviations in intricate datasets, therefore pointing out abnormalities that would have been challenging to find with more conventional approaches.

Therefore, the corporation raised its network activities' data correctness and consistency. By fixing problems before they might affect services, this proactive anomaly detection method improved operational performance and lowered customer complaints and data quality. The telecom business guaranteed that its data stayed dependable and valuable by automating anomaly detection, therefore ensuring more informed decision-making and a better customer experience from its data.

Key Takeaways for Elevating Your Data Quality

Driving corporate success, allowing good decision-making, and guaranteeing compliance depends on high-quality data. Understanding the fundamental ideas of data quality, such as data accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, and validity. You may set a solid basis for data management.

Using best practices such as data lineage tracking, data quality measurements, and automated data cleansing. You may significantly improve the dependability and value of your data. Using strong data quality strategies, you reduce risks and enable your company to make informed, data-driven decisions that support innovation and development.

Ready to elevate your data quality to the next level? Discover how Acceldata's data observability platform might enable you to monitor, control, and maximize your data for improved insights and business results. Get a demo today.


Effective decision-making, compliance, and commercial success depend on high data quality. The core ideas of data quality, typical difficulties, and optimal strategies for preserving good data quality are investigated on this site. Organizations may turn their data into a valuable asset that propels efficiency and expansion by using metrics, leveraging data lineage monitoring, and applying automated solutions.

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